Sunday, 13 November 2011

My cup runneth over.

Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude that I feel I might just explode if I don't unleash it on the world. As usual, some will be seemingly trivial, some will be huge, and some just might not make sense. In no particular order (I'm numbering them simply because I like lists and am slightly OCD about amounts *laugh*) I am thankful for:

1. All the beautiful people opening their hearts and lives (and even their homes!) to me and my daughter. A little extra gratitude goes to a certain dreadlocked man for his lack of hesitation in expressing his delight in the concept of sharing a home with us, considering that the offer was as much of a surprise to him as it was to us.

2. My beloved feline companion. (I wonder how he's going to feel about no longer being man of the house?) I love his obnoxious love-demanding headbutts to the face, the way he trill-meows in his sleep, and even the way he occasionally beats up my daughter.

3. The mild (ahahaha like I even do mild) crush I seem to be developing on someone I just met. Crushes are fun. I don't intend to act on these feelings/desires; I'm rather fond of my role as secret admirer.

4. The inspiration and encouragement to return to my roots as a Buddhist. (Zen Buddhist, eh? *wink*)

5. The diversity of skills among the people flooding into my world, and their enthusiasm for sharing/teaching said skills. I'm going to learn how to do ALL THE THINGS.

6. Silliness and shenanigans. Including but not limited to - Drunken shenanigans on the beach in which I pee in public for the first time ever, lose my shoes (thankfully they were just a pair of $10 thongs), fall off a bbq, and roll around in a taxi van. I'm all class.

7. My growing readiness to accept gifts and/or offers of assistance with grace and no self-loathing, and to love without hesitation.

8. The fortnightly opportunity to lose myself in the primal glory of drumming and fire, and the incredible heady energy that intoxicates and enthralls.

9. Crumpet and the Crumpettes.

10. My defiant nature. I don't shy away from daunting tasks (for long, anyway). I have a tendency to think "I can't do that" and I take great pleasure in proving myself (and the echo of the woman who served as an incubator for baby me) wrong. The latest challenge I've taken up? Learning to cook purely vegan dinners for 4-5 people, one of whom has issues eating legumes. WHAT?! NO LENTILS?! Shiiiiiit. *laugh* I can cook, and I love to do so, but I've never done 100% vegan for 100% of the time* and I've not cooked for more than three people since I was married. It's going to be so much fun!
* It's really just dinner five nights a week, but those five meals will be strictly vegan. No slipping into vegetarianism etc.

In summary, my life is swiftly shifting into the crazy and spectacular force of nature I always felt it is meant to be. Every time I think "Oh man, this is so great! I couldn't possibly be happier!" the universe seems to take that as a challenge and throws more bliss my way. I once said to a friend as encouragement during a tough time she was going through - "You've got to shovel some shit before you can grow roses", and you know what? I think I was right. I've shovelled more shit than you can possibly imagine, and now I'm blooming. *smile*

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